Development and Strategy Committee

The Chair of the Committee is Lesley McLean and the Vice-Chair David Thurling 
Development and Strategy

This committee is concerned with planning and development matters and with the Council's policies and strategic direction.

Terms of reference:

  1. To agree, monitor and report the Council's aims and objectives.
  2. To agree, monitor and report the Council's strategic plan and its implementation
  3. To develop and agree policies which facilitate the Council's strategic plan
  4. To receive, consider and agree reports from planning, strategy and policy groups
  5. To keep under review the Kidlington Masterplan and to undertake a Neigbourhood Planning Process where necessary
  6. To consider and monitor development proposals affecting Kidlington and, where appropriate, make representations to the relevant body.  This can include discussions with developers on behalf of the Council.
  7. To make representations on planning applications and decisions to Cherwell District Council in its capacity as the local planning authority.
  8. To work in partnership with other council agencies and groups to improve Kidlington's physical environment
  9. To consider and comment on highways matters with a view to improving the local transport and active travel infrastructure
  10. To liaise with statutory services such as the Police, Fire Service, Environment Agency and Thames Water, and voluntary services, in relation to emergencies
  11. To oversee the internal management of the Council's affairs


Planning Applications

Most planning applications (although there are exceptions) are made to Cherwell District Council who then have responsibility to ask all interested parties including neighbouring properties, the County Council and the Parish Council for their views on the development.

The Parish Council is, therefore, a consultee.

The issues the Parish Council are able to consider include:  

  • loss of privacy/impact on residential amenity overshadowing/overbearing impact highway safety, traffic and parking issues 
  • noise
  • visual amenity/street scene
  • wildlife
  • historic buildings and conservation
  • flooding
  • design, and materials
  • appearance of the development
  • capacity of infrastructure – schools/public transport etc


Issues the Parish Council is NOT able to consider include: 

  • loss of View
  • effect on property values
  • private rights
  • boundary disputes, and construction noise

Planning applications are considered at the next available Development and Strategy Committee meeting (see below for meeting dates) and included on the agenda;  links to the appropriate section of the CDC Planning Portal are also included on the Planning Applications Section on the Website.

Kidlington Parish Council are able to engage with developers of all sizes before an application is submitted to the planning authority (CDC), particularly as local information can often help the developer form their plans. However, the Parish Council has to be very careful not to pre-determine the outcome of any discussions and has to be mindful of all who may be affected by the proposal (not just the applicant) – whether positively or negatively.

Therefore, the Council is not able to ‘support’ an application until it is submitted to the Planning Authority. 

Agendas and Minutes of individual meetings can be seen by selecting a year below. Planning applications and associated documents can be viewed on the Cherwell Online Register, where you can find and comment on individual applications using the reference numbers on the agendas published below.

There is a full list of committee members further down on the page.

Please Note: These below meeting dates could be subject to change

Lesley McLean
Chair of the Development and Strategy Committee

Tel: 01865 453442

13 Feb 25




13 Mar 25

18:30 to 19:30


Additional Documents

10 Apr 25

18:30 to 19:30

8 May 25


Committee Members

David Betts

Orchard Ward

62 The Moors, OX5 2AJ

01865 375613

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David Kanonuwa

Orchard Ward

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David Thurling

Dogwood Ward

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Linda Ward

St Mary's Ward

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William Easdown Babb

Roundham Ward

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David Robey

St Mary's Ward

101 High St

01865 847140

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Phil Wyse

Dogwood Ward

07918 279 570

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