Kidlington Parish Council is one of the largest Councils in Oxfordshire. There are five electoral wards within the village and 15 elected parish councillors who form the democratically elected body that represent the people of the village. Councillors are usually elected for a term of four years, except where a by-election is held.
Kidlington Parish Council is the third tier of Local Government for Kidlington. We work alongside Cherwell District Council (the next level up) and Oxfordshire County Council (the level above that), who provide other services over a larger area, such as roads, planning, waste collection and social services.
Our direct responsibilities are mainly to do with local amenities: parks and recreation grounds, sport, allotments, cemeteries. We also respresent the Parish's interests to the levels higher up, including commenting on planning applications. See the Chair's Reports page for monthly accounts of our work.
Our Councillors regularly meet in full council and at committee and sub committee meetings. These evening meetings are held at Exeter Hall and are open to the public and the press: see our meetings Calendar 2024-25.
For more details of meetings of Council and its committees, see our Council Meetings page.

The Council Offices at Exeter Hall
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