A great attraction of Kidlington is that it is at present surrounded by Green Belt. Kidlington Parish Council is committed to the preservation of a Green Belt ring around the village. We are developing a scheme for a network of interconnected green spaces linked by paths and cycle tracks. We strongly support the proposal by Kidlington Development Watch to designate part of this ring as Local Green Spaces.
Cherwell District Council's decision to to build 4400 dwellings on Green Belt sites in and around the village will significantly reduce this Green Belt ring. The Green Belt gap between us and Oxford will be reduced to a narrow strip between the A34 and the railway line, after 1360 new houses have been built South of the railway. There will be 120 new houses at the South-West end of the village, by Stratfield Brake, and 430 around the Bicester Road cemetery. The size of Yarnton and Begbroke will be vastly increased, with 2490 new houses in the two villages, though we will be separated from the developments by a green gap between the railway line and the canal. See here for a map and further details.
The proposed East-West Expressway, with massive traffic consequences for Kidlington, has now been taken off the government agenda. But the Council continues to view with concern the huge population increase envisaged by the associated Oxford-Cambridge Arc scheme.
The Council is also opposing Network Rail’s planned closure of the Sandy Lane level crossing. And we will continue to press for better infrastructure provision to support the new housing developments.

Green Belt on the East edge of Kidlington