Nearly 1000 trees are owned or managed by Kidlington Parish Council. Approximately 15% of these are scheduled for maintenance at any given time under a rolling three-year programme.
The Council is committed to planting more trees in Kidlington as a climate-change mitigation measure, and to replanting trees where felling has had to occur because of disease or health and safety. We have also adopted a tree management policy which aligns closely with that of other councils in Cherwell District. Councillors work with the District Council Tree officer to assess the need for coppicing and management.
Autumn 2021 will see the planting of eleven mature native trees in Lyne Road Green, with a view to preventing unwanted incursion into the green, and eventually to be able to dispense with the Lego concrete blocks. In 2022 we shall mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee by further planting.

New Hornbeam at Exeter Close