Council Meetings

In addition to the meetings of the full Council, there are regular meetings of its three Standing Committees, Community, Finance and Assets, and Development and Strategy. Meetings are held on Thursday evenings at Exeter Hall.

Meeting agendas and papers are published by the end of the preceding week, and include information about venues and joining. These, together with more information about Council and its three standing committees, and agendas, minutes and papers for recent meetings, can be found through the following links:  

Public Participation 

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Council and its Standing Committees. Full Council meetings may also be attended on-line. Instructions for attending will be included in the agenda for each meeting, which is published by the end of the week before the meeting and can be found following the links above.

10 minutes are set aside at the beginning of the meeting for members of the public or press to ask questions or make comments related to items on this agenda. This must be done in person, not on-line, and each question or comment should be less than 5 minutes in length. All members of the public intending to speak will be required to identify themselves. Priority will be given to Kidlington residents; non-residents may only speak at the discretion of the Chair. After the first ten minutes of the meeting members of the public may only speak by invitation of the Chair.

Residents who wish to ask questions or make comments on an agenda item, but are unable to attend in person, are encouraged to contact their ward Councillors, who will be able to do it on their behalf.  See the Meet Your Councillors page to find out which Councillors represent which wards.

All members of the public are welcome to raise questions or make representations at any time on matters relating to the Council’s business, by post, email or telephone (see our Contact Us page).

Annual Parish Meeting 

Between 1 March and 1 June there is also an Annual Parish Meeting which all residents are invited to attend. 

Further Information


Lesley McLean - Chair of the Council
 01865 847140
Sarah Kearney
Clerk to the Council (Chief Officer)
Tel: 01865 372143


Committee Structure

Click on any of the Dark Blue Boxes to view Agenda & Minutes for meetings

Full Council