Personnel Sub-Committee

Personnel Sub-Committee

The Personnel Committee shall be delegated to make decisions on behalf of the Council in the following matters:

 Terms of Reference:

  1. To hold hearings for grievance, disciplinary and capability matters relating to the Clerk in accordance with the Council's policies.
  2. To appraise the Clerk
  3. To undertake staffing reviews if required
  4. To monitor, review and revise staff policies
  5. To review all matters pertaining to the performance, terms and conditions of service, and superannuation of the Council's staff
  6. To appoint the Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer
  7. To receive and consider staff reports from the Clerk
  8. To represent the Council in discussions with the Clerk regarding the creation, refilling, modification and suspension of staff posts


 Lesley McLean
Chair of the Personnel Sub-Committee